
22 de June de 2023

Cursor Properties

Propriedades do Cursor

Mouse over words to change the mouse cursor.

{ cursor: alias; }

{ cursor: all-scroll; }

{ cursor: auto; }

{ cursor: cell; }

{ cursor: context-menu; }

{ cursor: col-resize; }

{ cursor: copy; }

{ cursor: crosshair; }

{ cursor: default; }

{ cursor: e-resize; }

{ cursor: ew-resize; }

{ cursor: grab; }

{ cursor: grabbing; }

{ cursor: help; }

{ cursor: move; }

{ cursor: n-resize; }

{ cursor: ne-resize; }

{ cursor: nesw-resize; }

{ cursor: ns-resize; }

{ cursor: nw-resize; }

{ cursor: nwse-resize; }

{ cursor: no-drop; }

{ cursor: none; }

{ cursor: not-allowed; }

{ cursor: pointer; }

{ cursor: progress; }

{ cursor: row-resize; }

{ cursor: s-resize; }

{ cursor: se-resize; }

{ cursor: sw-resize; }

{ cursor: text; }

{ cursor: url; }

{ cursor: w-resize; }

{ cursor: wait; }

{ cursor: zoom-in; }

{ cursor: zoom-out; }




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